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Together we can fight for poverty everywhere. We can stop torture, Child abuse, demand equality for women and girls, and give hope to those facing racism or injustice environment just because of who they are. Your donation can use to help poor.

How and why Donation:

The best good is what a man does with his own hands. Although in this modern world it has become difficult to find the truly needy and deserving but it has also become difficult to understand whether the help reaches the truly needy and the deserving or not. So it is clear to all of you that there are two ways to help PND

First way :

One way is to provide a job to a registered needy or deserving person or bear the cost of education of a poor or orphan. When you help someone with the help of PND, PND will verify that person and you will get information from time to time like how much the branches of the goodness you have planted have spread. In this way, at least your heart will know that the person you helped is becoming a successful citizen and supporting his entire family. So let’s keep an account of our good deeds only to please Allah.

Second way:

You can donate your specific amount to charity to help the deserving and poor people by trusting PND. PND will account for all your money to help the needy. We believe that when any work is done with honesty and sincerity, it is definitely better. The members of PND work only for the pleasure and sake of Allah. So that Allah is pleased with us.

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